Subscribe to TREC Podcasts!

Podcasts are internet broadcasts of multimedia which can be subscribed to through Apple's iTunes program. The TREC program will use podcasts to allow teachers and researchers to describe their science activities and adventures in various parts of the Arctic region. If you currently have iTunes installed on your computer (iTunes is both Mac and Windows compatible), you are ready to subscribe to the TREC Podcasts. iTunes is a free program downloadable here.

1. Launch iTunes from your dock or start menu.
2. Subscribe to the TREC podcasts by clicking the link below:

Subscribe via iTunes | Download MP3

3. If you see the message below, make sure iTunes has been launched or click "I have iTunes" and follow the on-screen instructions.


4. Once you've launched iTunes and clicked the Subscribe link, you'll see this screen:


5. Click on the Subscribe button and you're done! iTunes will download all the TREC podcasts. Check back regularly for additional TREC podcasts by clicking on the Podcast icon in your iTunes source menu.



6. You'll see "TREC Podcasts" in the main window. If you click on the small arrow, you'll see the list of available TREC Podcasts. Click on the "GET" button to download the podcasts of your choosing.
