Paleoenvironmental Arctic Sciences

Paleoenvironmental Arctic Sciences (PARCS)
Paleoenvironmental Arctic Sciences (PARCS)

Paleoenvironmental Arctic Sciences document now available

Download PARCS (PDF - 1.3 MB)

Dear Colleague,
The publication The Arctic Paleosciences in the Context of Global Change Research-PARCS, Paleoenvironmental Arctic Sciences, published by the Earth Systems History (ESH) Secretariat at the American Geophysical Union, is now available.

The Arctic Paleosciences was developed through a dedicated workshop sponsored by NSF in Boulder, CO, on 8-9 October 1998. The draft document was subsequently reviewed by workshop participants and others in the arctic paleoscience community. It is intended to build on the Paleoclimates from Arctic Lakes and Estuaries (PALE) component of the ESH and Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Programs to delineate research directions and an effective management structure that will enable the community's contribution to a more complete understanding of the Arctic's paleoenvironmental history and how arctic environmental processes are related to the global environment.

Printed copies of the plan are available from the ESH office:

Earth Systems History Secretariat
Dept. of Education and Research
AGU, American Geophysical Union
2000 Florida Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20009-1277 USA
Tel: 202-939-3220
Fax: 202-328-0566
JGiesler [at] agu [dot] org

Wendy Warnick
ARCUS Executive Director