1996 Toolik Field Station Report

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The Toolik Field Station Report

Toolik Field Station Report
Toolik Field Station Report

7 October 1996

ARCUS was tasked through the cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation to provide support and coordination for a new science mission statement and a facilities' requirements statement for the Toolik Field Station (TFS), which is managed by the Institute of Arctic Biology at University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Dear Colleague;

Enclosed is Toolik Field Station: The Second 20 Years, recommendations on the science mission statement and the development of Toolik Field Station (TFS). In 1992, the University of Alaska FairbanksInstitute of Arctic Biology (IAB) asked the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS), as an organization representative the arctic community, to provide coordination and advice on the science mission and development of TFS. The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded ARCUS in 1995 to prepare recommendations looking at least ten years into the future. The recommendations contained in this report were developed in a community workshop and have undergone broad review.

Toolik Field Station: The Second 20 Years has been submitted to IAB and NSF. We now are distributing it to members of the organizing committee, workshop participants, and contributors. The report is expected to be useful to other agency personnel and researchers as well. Additional copies are available upon request. You may also view and/or download the TFS report at ARCUS Web site.

We thank you for your participation on behalf of the arctic research community. Your contribution to this report has been an important part of its successful development.


Wendy K. Warnick
Executive Officer